Let's catch up, shall we?
So, it's been forever since my last post and there's many reasons, such as: procrastination, nothing to write (not true, but an easy excuse), way too busy, yes, that's a good one.
Well, the truth is a little bit of all of them. So, it's catch up time.
The vasectomy part 2 story, redux version. Here's what I've learned. Always, ALWAYS do what a doctor tells you to do when it comes to that area. Infection? Yes. Panic? Yes. Everything okay now? Yes. DO EVERYTHING your doctor says to do, don't question it, you are not smarter than he/she when it comes to this procedure.
The busy part. Most of you may know I went back to work for "The Man". I had worked for myself four years and a change was a blowin'. Gone are the days of getting up at 10, getting to work at 11, checking email, going to lunch, do a little work and leave at 4. Gone also are the ups and downs on income, the freedom to do what I want, when I want. Here now are things like, full time employment, steady paycheck and new challenges. So, so far it's all good. In a weird twist of fate, my old boss is my new boss. Everything old is new again eh?
Yeah, that's my actual directors chair the cast and crew of "Price Check" bought me. It's time to bring it out of storage. Lots going on in the audio/video front. I'm shooting my first commercial for a major Bank firm. We had auditions last week and auditioned some great talent who are actually working actors as their day job. This is a pretty big project for me as it's a REAL commercial, albeit an online commercial. I'm getting to co-write, direct and edit. Fun stuff!!! I'll keep the rest quiet for now because we're still in pre-production. Hopefully more of that in the future.
I'm working on another music video for Shock Of Pleasure, Dan B. has shot some B roll footage and we're going to start hashing out a story-line, storyboards etc soon.
I've also dug out a script I started a few years ago. It's a drama called "A Previous Monster", a "What if?" kind of story and I think quite different from anything you've seen (or haven't seen) from me before. This is my new project and will be the next thing I write, direct and edit that's personal. Keep your eyes peeled here for more info later.
I've been watching the new reality series "On The Lot" and I have to say it's pretty interesting. Yeah, they're making it into a bit of a spectacle, but hey it's "reality tv". I should've tried out, even if I didn't make it, I could've said I sent something in instead of sitting on my brain pan. I think there's some talented people on the show and I'm rooting for a couple of them.
There's a lot going on with Lori and I on the cancer front. Not all good news and not all bad. If you want to know more, check her site, Miss Melanoma.com, it'll catch you up to date.
Also, go see "Sicko" by Michael Moore when it comes out. It's about the state of the health care system in America, or lack of it. I like his work for the most part, but I'm not a huge Michael Moore fan, in fact, I think he can be as radically biased as his nay sayers are. He tells a slanted story, but even at that, it's a story that Lori and I have dealt with first hand trying to get her treatment for cancer without insurance. Take notice, it's a real problem.
That's a quick recap. I'll try and update more often, especially on the A/V front for those that are interested.
I've seen people posting things they're currently listening to and why not? Currently on my iPod rotation is Dawn Landes, Amy Seeley, The Mermaid Purse, Keane, Pete Yorn, Air, The Postal Service, and The Dixie Chicks (yes, that's right).
Don't believe the government - my newly acquired conspiracy theory twitch I've developed.
Well, the truth is a little bit of all of them. So, it's catch up time.

The busy part. Most of you may know I went back to work for "The Man". I had worked for myself four years and a change was a blowin'. Gone are the days of getting up at 10, getting to work at 11, checking email, going to lunch, do a little work and leave at 4. Gone also are the ups and downs on income, the freedom to do what I want, when I want. Here now are things like, full time employment, steady paycheck and new challenges. So, so far it's all good. In a weird twist of fate, my old boss is my new boss. Everything old is new again eh?

I'm working on another music video for Shock Of Pleasure, Dan B. has shot some B roll footage and we're going to start hashing out a story-line, storyboards etc soon.
I've also dug out a script I started a few years ago. It's a drama called "A Previous Monster", a "What if?" kind of story and I think quite different from anything you've seen (or haven't seen) from me before. This is my new project and will be the next thing I write, direct and edit that's personal. Keep your eyes peeled here for more info later.

There's a lot going on with Lori and I on the cancer front. Not all good news and not all bad. If you want to know more, check her site, Miss Melanoma.com, it'll catch you up to date.

That's a quick recap. I'll try and update more often, especially on the A/V front for those that are interested.
I've seen people posting things they're currently listening to and why not? Currently on my iPod rotation is Dawn Landes, Amy Seeley, The Mermaid Purse, Keane, Pete Yorn, Air, The Postal Service, and The Dixie Chicks (yes, that's right).
Don't believe the government - my newly acquired conspiracy theory twitch I've developed.
Snobby Bobby,
I love the update. Thanks for keeping all of us posted, even those of us that see you everyday. It's still good to read it from your perspective.
And keep posting what your listening to! That part was especially fun.
Don't believe the government,
You knew I was going to do this, right? I'm tagging you for 8 random facts. The rules are at the top of my last post.
love ya (no seriously)
How about a come-back?
It's Bobby, bitch...
gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme
i think you've got what it takes to bring that snobby ass back to blogger. :)
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