Excuse me....Not So Much

Maybe it's just me because I'm such a nice guy, just ask around.
Lately and by lately I mean the last couple of years but it seems like people are less and less considerate. What every happened to excuse me, or thank you? Granted I've been hanging out at Parkland the last couple of days and some people truly have it hard, some make it hard on themselves and some just think they have it hard.
I can't count the amount of times I've said "Excuse me" at Parkland. We were in the elevator, it was packed and someone asked the person closest to the door to push the first floor button. The lady remaked "It's already been pushed!" in an extremely rude tone. Why? Ok, yah, she could've been having a bad day, but so what?

If you don't know Parkland probably has more of its share of rude and crabby people than anywhere else in Dallas. And I know what you're thinking, well, they're in the hospital, you usually don't go to the hospital unless your sick. And yes, the average wait to see a dr. at P-land is probably 6-7 hours. Couple that with being sick and I can see how you could be frustrated and rude.
But how about directing it at the people you're mad at? I'm mean I'm no Freud, but a great line goes "Anger fuels anger, unhappiness is contagious". You don't want to believe that, but in the right circumstance it can be true.
I can't count the times I've been sitting there with Lori and we're trying our best to make the best of it when you hear someone complain that these doctors take so long to see me, they're just back there eating etc etc.
The doctors and nurses that work at Parkland work HARD! These people hit the ground running from the moment they clock in and it is non-stop people. Constantly. And for most of these people Parkland is helping them out becuase these people can't afford to pay or don't have insurance...or both.
I guess this rant is really aimed towards these people that are so upset and tired at Parkland that just a "hello" or holding the door for someone would do wonders.
I still don't think one person can change the world, but I do believe that one person can put all of the right things into motion so it spills over into other peoples little lives and they carry on the good word, positive vibes, karma or whatever you want to call it.
I'm Snobby Bobby and now you know how I feel.
Good post. I'm one of those people who will let someone in on the highway thinking that someone else will let me in one day. The punch line should be, I'm still waiting to be let into the traffic. The truth is sometimes they let me in and sometimes they don't. I have troube with rude people too but I'm almost old enough to be an old codger. Carver
dude- you are polite, but you are of a different generation - hehe :) - old codger, might be a good description - -but i like polite people too . .and it seems you're right - most people are caught up in their old world too much to say excuse me . .
i like your blog, i'll have to frequent it more often, however, now that i'm teaching - i might not even be frequenting my own :-)
Yes, I totally agree. Most people are not as kind and considerate as me. Damn, you are lucky to know me.
hey - thanks for the advice, snobby bobby! i'll see if he wants to come! :)
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