Where to begin?

Let's talk about the preconceived notion of a teacher as you look at them through your little beety childhood eyes.
I’ll put my idea out there and you see if we mesh.
Teachers have it made, they work 7 to 3:30, get a lot of holidays off and 3 months off in the summer. They don’t seem to really care, ok, some do but others seem to be getting through day by day until retirement.
As you may or may not know, my girlfriend (aka Miss Melanoma) is now a teacher. LONG gone are my original childhood thoughts of teachers.
- They work – A LOT. I’m talking a 12 hour day, then home for more work. Insane.
- They care, and I mean really care. Like stay at school with one student until they ‘get it” care.
- They’re underpaid. YES, UNDERPAID. The amount of work just in and of itself is quite a bit in their argument for not being paid well enough. I’ve told Lori to keep track of her hours for a month, then we can see what her hourly actually is. My money is on around $5-6/hr. I’m not kidding, they work that much.

I honestly thought the school was asking too much of Lori. She’ll probably hate me for telling you this, but she has cried on more than a few of occasions because of work. I told her this is insane and no job should make you CRY.
The pressure to get your kids to pass the TAKS test is HUUUGGGEEE. Their contract for next year is threatened if their kids don’t pass. Never mind the fact that the school you’re assigned to have high risk kids and a huge amount of them are going to fail no matter what.

It’s enough to say “enough”. But I digress. Teachers are a different breed than I, possibly you too. Think about where your “enough” bar is set at. I bet that a teachers is a lot higher. These people are working their asses off for less pay than they should be getting. I’m amazed they can still find people to do it.
Don’t even get me going on meetings. The amount of meetings teachers have to endure is insane.
Now, I being the analytical type laid all of this out for Lori. She said I don’t understand that I don’t get it. And let me tell you, I’m the first to admit I may be wrong at something.
I kept telling her to call Julie, a friend of ours who has been a teacher for the last few years. Lori reversed it and said I should talk to her.
I said I would. I wanted to get to the bottom of this. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe Lori. It was that I didn’t believe that people would put up with this much.
So I called.
Julie was gracious enough to answer all of my questions honestly, straight forward and without sugar coating. Apparently Lori’s first year is going exactly as most teachers do. Apparently it’s quite normal to cry from your job on occasion. Apparently it’s normal to have 3 meetings after work, including SATURDAYS. Apparently it’s no big thing. This is the life of a teacher.
I was wrong. And Lori had that I told you so grin, and rightfully so.
There are two types of people in the world, teachers and the rest of us. I however couldn’t do it. Kids failing, parents mad, insane work hours and constant threat of losing your job.
And on top of this they have to teach kids, they are TEACHING your kids. They need to be thanked and they should be on the higher end of the pay scale instead of the lower.
I’m Snobby Bobby and now you know how I feel.
Bitchy Boob,
It's okay if I call you that, right? You can say no, but I probably won't stop. Regarding teaching, I've gotten to where I just put the work down. I stopped doing it at night. I just can't. I will go insane, insane. I get to work about 2.5 hrs before school starts and leave about an hour after it is over...Then, I take it home on the weekends. The thing for me is that it is always on my mind. Always. I'm thinking of taking them up on their little EAP plan and getting myself some Clonopan-- the "one hitter" in the world of legalized drugs.
Lori works more than me, but none of my kids take TAKS in my subject this year (lucky me), so that makes for less pressure. My big problem is dealing with the rebellious nonssence of the middle grades. No reason. No sense. Nothing. I don't do needy, and it's like an ocean of needy, passive aggressive gang member wannabes out there. I decided I should start some new gangs as a teaching tool to all my kids who are just "waiting to drop out" b/c teachers are haters. We've got the Costume Jewelry Bling Posse. That's a good one. You only make 6 an hour at your three jobs, so you get to wear giant necklaces that say your name in fancy print, dipped in fool's gold. Very Pretty. You'll get all the bitches (*if you know how to cook meth for your strung out girlfriends). Then there is the "B Squared" East Side Trailer H*omies...The three B's are: Bus Boy. Bling and Bitches. What? Three isn't squared? Fuck you. Math is for haters. I'm dropping out so I can make some real money.
In defense of teaching, the teacher next to me has figured out how to come at 8 and leave at four. She very rarely touches the work at home. She loves her job, and her kids kick ass on TAKS. Apparently, it gets more easy?
The best days are the ones where I don't evaluate it at all, b/c I can't do anything about it until the end of my contract anyways...and, people say not to judge teaching for two years.
To survival-
candi faye
oh how i miss thee snobby bobby and your fair lady.
i miss you i miss you i miss you
my phone stopped working - -it was a cheap pay as you go . . .but it sadly had all my numbers in it . . .
i'm like candi faye - -come way early, and leave . . . but always thinking always considering . . . expect i got sick last week . . . . and was mandated to my house for a glorious day and a half of rest.
i do think it gets easier though. i think the less creative you are . .the less work you end up doing. i can never think of anything cool-mo-dee to do . . .well, by the time i do, i have 20 minutes until school starts and i can't possibly do what i wanted to do in that time .. . so i say, oh well, next year (of course, i don't write my ideas down, so there's a grand possibility this will be happening next year)
peace out and love - -
thanks for still reading me
kathryn o
yup, got a good friend who is in her 2nd full year of teaching and she has worked it out that she gets paid below minimum wage even considering the 2 months holidays. not to mention how much of her own money goes to supplies for the classroom and the occassional treat/fun for the kids.
she works everynight until 10/11pm marking and preparing for the next day, goes to meetings and does extra-curricular stuff because you basically have to if you want your co-workers and boss to respect you.
BUT, apparently after 5 years it is suppose to be MUCH easier, once you have a good repetoire of lesson plans built up, and sad to say, but you don't mark things as "hard" or pay quite as much attention to little details like you do when you just start and are building your reputation.
Tell Lori that if she can find the time she should start talking about school on her blog--I bet she's got some great stories already and some controversial issues to talk about. We know she's a cancer warrior, so her blog can be, "this is my life now" kind of thing! we miss her!
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