The Police Live, No the REAL POLICE

It’s not unusual for the cops to be around here. In fact the main police station is 3 blocks away from us. Is it safe here? I think it’s just as safe as anywhere around
A small flashback, about 3 weeks ago I was walking Hannah Bear the fabulous hound and walked past our alley. The police were storming in to a warehouse back there. I assumed there were some shenanigans going on, but we all kind of keep to our self around here. I mean we know our neighbors but we don’t play bridge on Thursdays if you get my drift.
Back to last night. The cops are everywhere but we’re over it and Miss M. goes to bed. I’m up surfing the net and watching Lost season 2 on DVD trying to catch something I miss.
About 2 am there’s a lot of noise going on outside and suddenly someone is knocking on the door very, VERY loudly.
By the time I get up I hear someone shout: “Open the door, it’s the Police.” I go to the door and look through the peephole, I don’t see anything. The police cars are still outside so I figure it’s safe to open the door.
I swing the door open , look to the right, nothing. Look straight ahead, nothing. I then look to the left and there are 6 SWAT teams members complete with bullet proof helmets , Kevlar armor and 6 AK style machine guns pointing straight at my head!
I like to think I’m a cool cat in a sticky situation and I’ve had a gun pulled on me before (another story, another time), but I don’t mind saying having automatic weapons pointed at you is a little intimidating.
So, the main guy comes up to me and says “We need to search your place”. It wasn’t a question. I say no problem.
I tell them no, because I don’t. Anyway, they want to go upstairs and ask if anyone is up there. I told them my girlfriend Lori is up there asleep. They tell me to wake her and let her know they’re coming up. I walk up and tell Lori that the police are here and by the end of the sentence the guy was already up there checking the room.
The two cops talking to me are playing good cop, bad cop. One is very nice, the other is very condesending and suspect of me. They were trying to find our neighbor in the alley who had burrowed out of his place and was supposedly in a warehouse between their place and ours. They thought he might have worked his way into our place. Although it's all brick, but you don't argue with machine guns.
The funny thing is, they never searched a few key places someone could've hid had we been harboring a fugitive, which we weren't.Another crazy thing, I talked to the guy a few hours before the bust. Nothing big, just walking the dog in passing. He was a normal tweaker, if there is such a thing.
The SWAT guys actually used a ramming truck to bust down his door which was made of metal.
A crazy night, a bit of a crazy story.
I'm Snobby Bobby (bullet free) and now you know how I feel.
I just had a 3 hr conversation w/ Miss M and she does not mention this? You know your life is too interesting if THIS is at the bottom of your list.
Felonies are SO HOt. I love the story- but you forgot to mention the police gang bang I had upstairs while you were giving tours to SWAT officers.
That's a scary gun. Bruce misses you.
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