Corn man, corn
Let’s focus on the glorious deliciousness that is corn on the cob. God invented one heckuva food when he put this bad boy together.
I’m not going to lie, my appreciation of corn had died off in my 20’s and early 30’s and I’ll tell you why.
Freshness baby, freshness. Or lack thereof.
The average joe such as myself is a generation of the fast food nation. It’s fast, convenienient and generally bad for you.
The occasional home cooking place or subway style places are an exception. And yes, there’s much more healthy food out there but those that know me know that underneath this urban (semi) professional, ruggedly handsome exterior is a good ole’ meat and potatoes kind of guy.
The corn you get these days have been sitting in water for hours at a time.
Let me tell you that’s sad. After you’ve had a freshly shucked ear of corn it’s hard to imagine anything better in life. It’s the perfect food and it comes naturally gift wrapped by the Big Man himself.
Cooking it? Nothing easier, boil some water, stick the corn in and in about 6-10 minutes you have a wonderful food.
I personally like cutting it off the cob. And I can understand that purists may take offense. I have no problem with that. But my grandpappy used to say “Corn on the cob or off still tastes like corn.” Amen to that.
The crunchiness and texture are something your taste buds are longing for again. You should have some corn.
I recently went to the state fair and you know food goes hand in hand there. So, I thought to myself, yes, yes I will have an ear of corn.
The thing was the biggest ear of corn I’ve seen in a long time, a long time. I carefully put a little salt and pepper on it and bit in. My mouth watering, just waiting for that first bite. I hesitated just a moment to tease myself, and...
It had been sitting in water for what hat to be hours. There was no taste. It was like little yellow water buckets. Sad. SO SAD.
What does all of this mean to you? Well, I’ll tell you. I’m going to save you the headache and tell you now that just about anywhere you get corn besides home will be the same. Either that, or worse, from a can.
But what do I know? I know good corn that’s what. It's in peak season right now (although it's available all year), go get an ear or 10. Minyards has them 10 for $2.00. That's insanity in itself.
.20 cents for something that's almost a meal in itself.
That's it, I'm off to boil an ear right now. Yeah, I know it's 2 a.m. So what?
Now, do yourself a flavor and go get some too. Corny? Yeah, that's the point.
I’m Snobby Bobby and now you know how I feel.
Does my baby love corn or what? Don't forget who turned you on to it.
Your mama
The very best way to eat corn is to start the water boiling and go outside and pick it, then come back inside and drop it in the water. I prefer silver queen (white corn) myself but I've grown some mixed kernel white and yellow that were pretty good. The problem is when I was a kid my siblings told me that the reason some corn was yellow was from all the people stopping along the road that just had to go and urinated in the corn field. "Thanks for sharing" as my daughter often says to me. Enjoy corn as fresh as you can get it. I am enjoying your photographs so much. Thanks again and take care, Carver
nope. on the grill, bitches.
I remember in high school, they took us to the rural water sanitation plant that this strange little man (obviously with no olfactory receptors) was solely responsible for running. I remember him saying to us, "and all that floatin' raght there, that'd be curn! (corn)"
They were like a million little yellow emergency rafts on the river of stank ass.
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